The sweetest things

March 26, 2010

Dearest Clara,
You always say the most thoughtful and sincere prayers.  These are some of the things you have recently prayed about…

* Please bless Grandpa Steve that his hand will get better and that he wont have to have it hurt anymore.  We’re thankful that Grandpa Steve and Grandma Barb and Preston and Paige could come visit, but please bless Grandpa that his hand will get better so next time they come he can put it in the water when we swim…

* I’m thankful for carrots so we can eat them and our eyes will be able to see better…

* I’m thankful for our warm house we have to sleep in at night so we won’t be cold just having to sleep outside on the ground or somewhere and so bad guys can’t get us…

* I’m thankful for our clothes and our shoes and our toys and our beds and our cars and our food…

* I’m thankful for Papa and please bless him that he’ll pass his test so we can see him and have fun with him… 

* I’m thankful we have names so that people can say our names so they don’t have to say, “hey you, come here!” but they can use our names when they want us…

* Please bless us that we’ll sleep good tonight and that we won’t have bad dreams and that we won’t think about scary things and we won’t be scared even if we think someone is standing in our doorway and please help us to not be scared even when it’s dark, but that we’ll just think about Jesus and Heavenly Father and then we’ll be happy and not scared (that one’s a doozy)…

* I’m thankful that we have cars so we don’t have to walk everywhere we go…

* I’m thankful that God and Jesus gave us our bodies so we can try and be healthy…

…and on and on you go. 

You are so tender and sweet.  Thank you for reminding me to be thankful for the things I often take for granted (like carrots and our names)!
With love, M.  

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