Why the tears little Bumblebee?

This is why. Trey's Grandpa Ulibarri loves to dress up on Halloween, but it always seems to be something a little unsettling. Last year he had a big bloody rat on top of his head that was "eating his head", it was gross. Clara wouldn't have anything to do with him last year and this year it was Nora's turn to be terrified. Poor little Bumblebee.

The family. Jonas was a pirate, Clara a princess and Nora a bumblebee. Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Dewey bought all of their costumes at Cracker Barrel. They're the best, they always hook us up.

I was a big ol' round basketball for Halloween and Trey was the referee. We won the "cutest couple costume" award! The prize was candy. Mmmm...more candy, exactly what this rotund basketball needs!

The cousins . I love Riley, the mummy in a coffin. Lindsay picked up that steal for I think 3 bucks at Goodwill. I LOVE thrift stores. I think I'm addicted. About half of my kids wardrobes are thrift store bargains. Is that weird? People will ask where I got such and such adorable clothes but t when I say the thrift store they aren't sure what to say next. Hey, I'm just a savvy shopper, right?
Wow Cutest couple award! Matt and I will have to aim for that title next year. I love that you are a thrift store shopper.
ReplyDeleteThrift stores are definitely the way to go, but you have to be on it here in Durango! The kids all look so cute, I love Halloween! You and Trey are so creative, I love your costumes, definitely the cutest couple!
ReplyDeleteThe basketball belly is awesome! You look great, Meshan!
ReplyDeleteGreat costumes! A basketball? That's original. Usually pregnant women are pumpkins for Halloween. So you win not only the cutest couple, but the most creative! :) Maybe we'll actually dress up next year.
ReplyDeleteThrift stores rock! I think that is where Dewey got all his clothes during high school, so why not keep the tradition! :) If people don't say "That's awesome!" when you tell them where you got it, then they aren't very cool people.
You guys are so cute. The pictures make me miss you even more. We love thrift stores too. You could always say you got it at a Vintage Boutique.lol
ReplyDeleteI love your basketball, and the picture of Trey with the whistle in his mouth is hilarious. He is making such a nerdy face!
ReplyDeleteGrandpa kills me! Isn't he great? Even though he delights in scaring your children.
I always loved your Grandma & Grandpa Uliburri. I love his picture. You and Trey are so cute together. The picture is hilarious. My girls love your kids too. We miss seeing you guys.
ReplyDeleteSorry that was me, but I was signed up on Kaitlyn's account.