February 15, 2010
Dear children,
I made heart pancakes for our Valentine's Day lunch with Strawberries and whipped cream on top. It was just too much trouble (aka I'm lazy) to wake up early and make breakfast before church so we had cereal for breakfast and pancakes for lunch. Yummy to my tummy. Jonas enjoyed six.
Dear children,
I made heart pancakes for our Valentine's Day lunch with Strawberries and whipped cream on top. It was just too much trouble (aka I'm lazy) to wake up early and make breakfast before church so we had cereal for breakfast and pancakes for lunch. Yummy to my tummy. Jonas enjoyed six.
Heart hairdos for the love holiday. I got Clara's idea from my cousin Britney, but it didn't turn out as cute as hers. Next year.
We surprised Clara by showing up at school for her Valentine's day party. She loved it. It was so cute how all the kids wanted Nora to sit by them and they wanted to share their food and hold her hand when they went outside. Clara was a proud sister and Nora enjoyed all the attention.
Clara's messages:
To: Lucy, We love you. We hope you have a good day. We hope you miss us. We like you. You're a good cousin. Be nice to Everyone!
To: Lia, You're a nice girl. You're a good friend. I like you. Thanks for inviting us to your cabin. We have fun. Lots of Love.
To: Lily, I really like you. I miss you lots. I hope you remember me. I think you're nice. Have a good day. You know what? I like you!
To: Paige, I miss you Paige. You're a good part of the family. Thanks for being nice to me always. I like your name. You're a nice girl. You rock. I love you. Have love everyday!
Jonas' messages:
To: Abe, I like you. I got you this one because we're pen pals. Sorry for not writing back. Have a good day. You Rock!
To: Eli, I can't wait until I move back then I could play with you. You rock!
To: Cameron, Your my best friend! I miss you Cameron! I hope we're still friends! You rock!
To: Preston, You're cool. Wow your the best! I miss you Preston. You're nice. Don't get in trouble. You rock!
Ha, ha! I love the little notes.
Love, Mama
Ha, ha! I love the little notes.
Love, Mama
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