My Dream Home

May 19, 2011

Dear Love,
    Before I remind you of the home you promised to buy me I want to tell you about the previous dream homes that led up to it.

DREAM HOME #1- Albuquerque, NM
Discovered:  While visiting the home of my mom's best friend.  Britt and I took mock senior pictures there.  I can not disclose at this time how many mock senior pictures I've taken nor with how many different friends.  It's shameful how (un)cool I am.
Likes: Spanish style, adobe fireplace, open ceilings, exposed rafters, five bedrooms, adobe walls
Dislikes:  Downtown ABQ, enough said.
* When senior pics. found insert here*

DREAM HOME #2- Suburb of Boston
Discovered:  While on Intense Community Service helping to rebuild a church.  Kristin, Serena and Cassie were my roommates.  The house was four stories, but we had only seen two so while our host family was away we ascended the staircase and snooped around to see the rest of the house.  Naughty.
Likes:  wood floors, stained glass windows, lighting, amazing staircase, cool rugs, large windows, arbor, I heart the East and BOSTON!
Dislikes: Husband has no desire to live East of NM.

DREAM HOME #3- a little town in Sweden
Discovered:  While in UWP.  This was my first host family outside the US.  While I was staying there Trey told me he joined the Army and we made plans to wed.
Likes:  close to the sea, attic room, my first experience with in-floor heat, open space, lots of windows, hard wood floors
Dislikes:  Sweden is a bit far

DREAM HOME #4- Outside Durango, CO.
Discovered:  While at the wedding reception of my mom's marriage to Bob.
Likes: straw bail home, brick floors, off the grid, solar panels, courtyard, lots of land, adobe walls, radiant heat
Dislikes: I'm much more inclined to warm weather.

DREAM HOME #5- Diamond Valley, UT.
Discovered:  While on a visit to see Danika.  The house belongs to her sister, who is also my sister-in-law's mother.  Got it?
Likes:  Every. Single. Thing.
Dislikes:  Not for sale.  If it were it would be out of my price range.

DREAM HOME #6: Farmington, NM
Discovered:  While visiting the in-laws.  They now own this home.
Likes:  There's so much to love and so much to be done to that big beautiful structure that I often think about it.  Often as in, every time I post a picture to Pinterest I have this home in my mind as I do so.  I've already decorated the entire thing in my dreams.  Is that normal?  I don't think that's normal.
Dislikes:  It's not for sale and I don't even know where we'll end up.  Could be Timbuktu.

DREAM HOME #7:  Henderson, NV
Discovered:  The fifth and most current dream house is the one my love took me to on a date the other night.  You said you were taking me somewhere that was going to blow my mind.  First of all, I love that you know me so well.  You could have just taken me to a movie (which would have been fine), but instead you took me to an amazing open house followed by a most delicious dinner.  Second, I love that you told me to bring my camera because you knew I would want pictures.

Indoor/Outdoor living, so... wonderful... inspiring... and refreshing.

Are you kidding me?!!  An outdoor shower?!  The indoor one was 20x more fancy, but I'd take this one anyday.

Outdoor bed,  oh my.

I've died and gone to hot tub heaven.

Want a burger?  Just have a seat at the pool's bar and my husband will grill you one right up.

Relaxation/meditation room?  Yes, please.

How did you know I wanted a pallet style bed?!

Love this view from the Master Bedroom instead of looking at a TV.

Craft/ Laundry room with a TV.  I don't even watch TV anymore, but I might start back up.

Enough Solar Panels to be off the grid!!

Come, sit by the fire in my outdoor living room and watch my flat screen TV.

Or maybe you prefer this outdoor room with a waterfall and flat screen TV.

No?  Okay, let's just go to the Media Room.  Seriously?  Why so many televisions?!  There was one in nearly every room!

I loved all the courtyards, water features and xeriscaping.

Farewell!  I'll never see you again my 3.5 million dollar dream!

Dislikes:  the price, too many TV's, not enough color, a little too contemporary 
Disclaimer:  If someone wanted to give me this house I would take it in a heartbeat.

Love, Me


  1. Are you freakin' kidding me! That place is awesome! Maybe a little too contemporary for me also, but wowzers, there were some good selling points!

    What a fun little date for you guys!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one that dreams about my dream home and how I would decorate it.

  3. That house is amazing! One of my top 10 dream homes is your moms house in Farmington. It's been probably 14 years since I was there, but I thought it was pretty cool back then!

  4. Rachel,
    I loved my mom's house too. It makes me sad they don't live there anymore!!
