Location Numero Dos on our camping trip was fantabulous. We were all pretty worn out from our previous hike so we just took it easy for a day.
The kids searched for wildflowers for me and a special rock for Grandma Livvy. Every time we do something outdoorsy we go rock hunting. When it's time to go home everyone brings forth the best rock they found and we have a family vote. The rock that wins we save for Granny and give it to her the next time we see her.
When I say we took it easy, I mean the smart ones did. The crazy one decided to ride his mountain bike to the peak of the cone you see in the picture. See how far away our camp was from it?
This is my camera zoomed as far as it could possibly go and papa looks like an ant on an ant hill.
This is the road he took. He's a speck of dust on it. See him? I spy with my little eye... Something that is red and crazy.
That night we had s'mores around the campfire again and Papa treated us all to a special showing at the Outdoor Cinema. He had brought his laptop and a movie as a surprise, but we got about a quarter of the way into the movie before the battery died. Bummer! Don't worry, we saved it and watched it for Family Night once we got home.
On day two we hiked a slot canyon that was amazing.
Oh my. It was AH-MAZ-ING!!
Along the way we came across an old mine and these cool tunnels:
We couldn't resist hiking up and exploring them although the way was a bit treacherous.
"Flex your muscles."... "Clara, I said flex your muscles."...???
Three things to take note of:
1) I hardly lifted a finger to cook all weekend and I was okay with that. At our second campsite Papa even made himself a makeshift kitchen. I completely forgot to take a picture of it, but it can be partially seen in the right hand corner of this picture where Jonas is stuffing his face:
2) My manly man honey bunches started our fire cave man style. That's right, no matches. He was very methodical in his process and I wish I had the whole thing on video. It was swoon worthy.
3) Atticus would NOT stop throwing dirt and rocks at people. One time he threw sand in Nora's face right into her eyes and Clara, being a kind sister, took her hand and brought her to us because Nora was crying and couldn't see. While leading her, Clara ran Nora into the corner of the open car door and Nora got a HUGE purple goose egg on her forehead. Oops.
Another time Atticus threw a huge rock and it hit Jonas in the shoulder. That was the last straw. In the next few seconds the following happened, but it seemed like forever... Trey said, "Quick, throw a rock at him." Huh? Jonas and I looked at each other. Who was he talking to? I started scanning the ground, looking for a rock that wasn't too big to hurt him yet big enough to get the point across. Out of the corner of my eye I see a rock zoom past and hit my baby. My baby! Yes he's two, but he's still my baby. He cried for awhile and we'll never know if he got the point that rocks hurt people so we shouldn't throw them because we then packed the car and left.
Love you. Mama
P.S. We do not advocate hitting your child while telling them not to hit. This was a rare incident, but a little funny, yeah?