Dear Children,
The other day you asked if you could make mud pies. I thought that sounded like fun so I agreed. It was messy, gooey and dirty. All the ingredients for a good time.
Delicious too. Ok, not really. Clara just wanted to trick everyone. She got ya, didn't she?
I'm a-okay with making mud pies. What I'm not okay with is when I leave four children at home with a babysitter for four hours and the youngest decides to turn on the hose while I'm gone without anyone knowing. I left the house at 7:30am and returned at 11:30am so somewhere in that time frame the water was turned on.
I noticed water in the backyard at approximately 4:30pm. Do you know what that means??!!! To quote Jonas, "Wow, it looks like a swamp in our backyard." Agreed. Water was also running down the street. I'm so excited to get the water bill.
Mud pies, good. Backyard swamps, bad.
Still love you, Mama
You will have to ask Sheri about when she made mud pies. Aunt Margarete told them she would bake them for them. After they were baked they looked and tasted just like cookies. :)